On arrival, T 37.9 HR 96 146/80 RR 20 98% RA. She is anxious and is reticent to allow you to examine her completely. Her general exam is normal, and has left costovertebral pain with percussion and mild suprapubic tenderness to palpation. Due to her recurrent infections, you suspect an anatomic lesion; computed tomography with IV contrast shows a heterogeneous, hypoechoic mass around a small hyperechoic density in a non-functioning left kidney. Regarding her presentation, which of the following is the BEST answer:
A. Based on CT findings, consult Hematology-Oncology
B. Based on CT findings, consult Infectious Diseases
C. Based on CT findings, consult Vascular Surgery
D. Based on CT findings, consult Urology
In the meantime, a quote -- "It is extremely difficult for a physician who puts too much trust in what he reads to form a proper decision from what he sees." -- Andrew Boorde (1490-1549), Physician and Carthusian monk