His vital signs are normal, and when you examine him you see this:
Which of the following has NOT been validated as a screening measure in US children?
A. Has a family member or contact had tuberculosis disease?
B. Has a family member had a positive tuberculin skin test result?
C. Has your child complained of a prolonged cough (longer than you thought to
be normal) or a cough with bloody sputum?
D. Was your child born in a high-risk country (countries other than the United
States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or Western and North European
In the meantime, a few quotes –
“Man ought to be man and master of his fate; but children are at the mercy of those around them.”
– Sir John Lubbock (1834-1913), English educationalist and reformer
“I prefer to be called a fool for asking the question, rather than to remain in ignorance.”
– John Homans (1836-1903), US professor of surgery
Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 87:1 (1872)