IV fluids are given and a chemistry panel is drawn: Na 140 K 3.6 Cl 110 HCO3 22 BUN 18 Cr 0.8 Glucose 180.
She has no history of diabetes mellitus in the family, and has been well until this recent illness. Her urinalysis shows no evidence of infection, a normal specific gravity, and no ketones. After therapy, she feels much better and is now tolerating fluids and solids.
Regarding her hyperglycemia, which of the following is the BEST answer:
A. This is likely her first presentation of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
B. This child likely has pre-diabetes
C. Her hyperglycemia is due to her fever and viral syndrome
D. This is a spurious result and will not require further testing
In the meantime, a quote -- "The physician can do all he has to do with speed and precision, but he must never appear to be in a hurry, and never absent-minded." -Theodor Billroth 1829-94